behindthescenes.btc | Blog
January 06, 2023
8 min read




Today, we are proud to announce that we have made history (AGAIN) ᗺy ᗺecoming the first #weᗺ3 movie production/streaming platform to mint a movie poster on the SOLANA ᗺlockchain. This groundᗺreaking event is a huge milestone for us and for the movie industry as a whole.

Dont forget folks, "THE TOKEN (NFT) IS THE TICKET"

At ᗺTS STUDIOS, we are committed to providing our viewers with the ᗺest possible experience when it comes to streaming movies. We want to make sure that our viewers have access to the latest and greatest movie experiecnces on all chains, and this achievement is a major step in that direction.

In addition, we are excited to announce that our platform is growing at exponential rates. We are thrilled to be partnering with a variety of different organizations on the SOLANA ᗺlockchain, including some of the best art projects on that chain. These partnerships will provide our viewers with even more options when it comes to multichain experiences.

We appreciate your support as we embark on this exciting journey of introducing our exclusive blockchain-based movie streaming solution, ON THE NEW VAGACHAIN! 🚀🚀🚀

What is the VAGACHAIN?

VagaChain, 3rd Generation - Layer 1 Blockchain to tackle the most critical and urgent sustainability challenges for businesses and enable operational transformation.

VagaChain is at the centre of the growth and innovation agenda providing increased Life Cycle and Circular Economy transparency, as well as reducing cost and risk across value chains. VagaChain is a robust, low emission, fast blockchain with industry-standard use-cases and a trusted ecosystem of people, standards, tooling, and practices for innovative green solutions.

Fully decentralised 3rd generation, open-source, and energy efficient ledger combining high speed and low fees, with pre-defined on-chain modules that support all forms of trade financing as well as supply chain management, sustainability, life cycle, and ESG data reporting. VagaChain intends to extensively scale the Web3 user community by providing developers and businesses the ability to instantly port applications and assets from other inefficient siloed database systems and traditional financial infrastructure with low cost, high throughput, Netzero blockchain technology.

Key VagaChain $VAGA Blockchain Characteristics:

  • Predefined Life Cycle Inventory, Management, and Assessment Accounting protocols

  • Cradle-to-Gate, Cradle-to-Grave & Cradle-to-Cradle LCA tools and pre-defined processes

  • Regulatory compliant on-chain data protocols for ESG, Sustainability and Carbon Footprint reporting

  • On-Chain Decentralized Governance (DAO)

  • Proven Byzantine-Fault-Tolerant (BFT) Proof-of-Stake (PoS) Infrastructure

  • Asset Tokenization which include but not limited to: NFTs, Phygital, Documents, Certificates, Event Tickets, Cryptocurrency (Tokens) and Fiat Stable Coins

  • Smart Contracts with extremely low transaction (gas) fees, fractions of a penny

  • Cross-chain Decentralised Exchange (DEX), DeFi, and dApps

  • Interoperability — IBC Protocol, the internet of blockchains

  • On-Chain Contract & Identity Management

  • FAST — 1sec per transaction — over 7855 transactions per second

  • just to name a few ;)

WE are grateful for your ongoing support as we strive to innovate and remain on the cutting edge of movie streaming technology. We remain committed to delivering the highest quality viewing experience for our HODLrs. STAY TUNED!!!



HODLrs get to stream the film for free upon release!!!


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